The Global Network for Tobacco Free Healthcare Services is delighted to congratulate and warmly welcome 10 members to the Global GOLD Forum.
The successful members come from three continents (Asia, Australia and Europe): 4 candidates from Europe, 5 from Asia (Taiwan) and 1 from Australia.
- Buddhist Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital
- Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital
- National Cheng Kung University Hospital, National Cheng Kung University Medical Center
- MacKay Memorial Hospital, Taipei Branch
- En Chu Kong Hospital
- Barwon Health
- Klinik Bad Reichenhall
- Catalonia: Fundació Sanitària Mollet
- Basque Country: Osi Tolosaldea
- Klinik Barmelweid
Warmest congratulations for renewing their membership after 4 years of sustained high-level tobacco management.
The Global GOLD Forum is a global platform that gives recognition to healthcare services both members and non-members working at the highest level of tobacco management according to the Global Network 8 Standards.
To achieve GOLD Forum Membership, healthcare services must first be validated by an external national/regional process and nominated to a Global Network GOLD Process. All accepted candidates are then peer-reviewed by an international jury team and if deemed successful are invited to share good practice and exchange experiences at a Gold Forum Event.
A GOLD Forum EVENT provides all participants with an opportunity to share and learn from the GOLD Forum members, how to design effective tobacco management policies, overcome resistances, implement prevention and cessation initiatives and learn how to contribute to national/regional Tobacco Control strategies and obligations under FCTC.
For information on the Global GOLD Forum and for details on how to participate in the next GOLD Process, click here.
On behalf